Orange County Lawyer for Trespassing Charges

Trespassing is generally defined as unlawful entry onto another person’s property. In California, trespassing can betrespassing charges in orange county both a civil and criminal offense, meaning you could be sued by a private citizen and face criminal charges by the state. California Penal Code 602 PC defines criminal trespassing as willfully entering someone else’s property with the intention of interfering or infringing on that person’s rights. This may include interfering with that person’s use or enjoyment of their property, creating a nuisance on their property, or refusing to leave their property after being asked to vacate.

It is not uncommon for trespassing charges to be filed with other related offenses such as theft, burglary or domestic violence. A prosecutor has the discretion to file the charge as an infraction, misdemeanor, or felony based on the circumstances of your case.

If you have been accused of trespassing in Orange County or the surrounding areas, it’s important to consult with a criminal defense attorney who can explain your rights and inform you of your legal options. Penalties for a trespass charge can be more serious than you think. You could face jail time, substantial fines and be stuck with a criminal record. At the Wohl Criminal Defense, we are committed to delivering the most beneficial outcome for you on your case. Our trespass defense attorneys can often help you avoid harsher punishment by arguing for an alternative sentencing option such as informal probation.

Call our office today (714) 689-6042 to discuss scheduling a free consultation.

Criminal Trespassing

The majority of trespassing charges are infractions or misdemeanor-level offenses.

Infraction: A minor instance of trespassing is considered an infraction

Misdemeanor Trespass: punishable by the law for up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1000.

Aggravated Trespass: If you threatened to seriously injure someone and within 30 days you unlawfully entered their home or workplace with the intent to carry out the threat, you could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony aggravated trespass. A misdemeanor charge would result in one year in county jail and a $2,000 fine. If the victim was injured, the charge would be prosecuted as a felony with a potential sentence of 16 months, 2 years or 3 years.

How to Fight a Criminal Trespassing Charge in Orange County

There are several defenses that may be available to you to fight the charges, some of which may include:

  • you had the permission and/or consent to be on the property
  • the property was not marked with the appropriate “No Trespassing” signage and therefore you unknowingly entered onto a property that was prohibited
  • you had no intention of interfering with the property owner’s rights