Orange County Attorneys For Theft, Burglary, & Robbery

Are you facing an allegation of theft, burglary or robbery? In California, these are considered “crimes of moral Theft, Burglary, Robbery in Orange Countyturpitude” which means you will could face consequences that extend beyond criminal penalties. A theft-related conviction will emerge on background checks making it difficult to secure employment, financial assistance, or other benefits you may apply for in the future. Being labeled as a “thief” or someone who can’t be trusted can result in being stripped of a professional license or losing immigration status.

At Wohl Criminal Defense, we understand that people make mistakes and believe that everyone deserves a second chance not harsh criminal punishment. We also realize that many innocent people are wrongly accused and are eager to clear their name. The theft crime attorneys at our firm have defended individuals from all walks of life charged with theft-related crimes in Orange County, CA and the surrounding areas. You can expect us to work tirelessly to pursue a reduction or dismissal of charges or a more lenient sentence through a diversion or deferred entry of judgement program.

Call today (714) 689-6042 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you win your case.

Defining Theft

Theft is defined as the unlawful taking of someone else’s property without their consent and with the intent to steal the property. There are a broad range of illegal acts that fall under the crime of theft.

Common Theft Charges in Orange County

  • Petty Theft: California Penal Code 488 defines petty theft as taking property valued at less than $950 (i.e. shoplifting)
    • Punishment: Petty theft can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony punishable by 1-3 years of informal probation, a maximum sentence of 6 months in county jail, a $1000 fine, or both.
  •  Grand Theft: California Penal Code 487 defines grand theft as stealing property valued in excess of $950 (auto theft, embezzlement, extortion, identify theft, and fraud)
    • Punishment: Grand theft can be charged as a misdemeanor or as a felony. Misdemeanor grand theft carries a punishment of 3 years of informal probation, up to six months in jail, a $1000 fine, or both. Felony grand theft can be punished by 16 months, 2 or 3 years in state prison.
  • Identity Theft: Stealing a person’s private information with the intent to commit fraud using that person’s name
    • Punishment: Identity theft can be charged as misdemeanor or felony. If punished as misdemeanor, you face up to one year in a county jail, and a maximum $1,000 fine. If punished as felony, you face up to three years in a county jail, and a maximum $10,000 fine
  • Robbery: California Penal Code 211 defines robbery as using force or threat of force to take property away
    • Punishment: Robbery is a serious felony-level offense that carries a prison sentence of 5-9 years. If a gun was used in commission of crime, the prison sentence is 10 years and if gun was fired 20 years.
  • Burglary: California Penal Code 459 defines burglary as entering another person’s home, place of business, or any other building without permission, with the intent of taking another person’s property or committing any other felony.
    • Punishment: First degree burglary can lead to 2-6 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000. Second degree burglary is punishable by up to one year in county jail and a fine up to $1,000

Criminal Defenses for Theft, Robbery and Burglary Cases

Being charged with theft does not necessarily mean you will be convicted. The prosecution has the burden of proving every element in the case. Here are a few defenses commonly used in theft-related cases:

  • Lack of intent to commit crime
  • Confusion over ownership — you honestly and reasonably believed you were entitled to the property
  • You intended to return the item
  • Intoxication at time of incident
  • Entrapment — you were coerced or forced to commit theft by someone else
  • Mistaken identity